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Overnight Face Mask: Why You Need It in Your Skincare Routine ----- Back

17.11.19 - Knowledge

Overnight Face Mask: Why You Need It in Your Skincare Routine

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Words by Antoinette Barnardo

If you haven't heard of overnight face masks, prepare to enter a convenient, nourishing skincare routine. 

Originally a Korean beauty trend, overnight face masking has taken the rest of the world by storm in the last few years. These sleep masks have become a staple in most skincare routines and for good reason. Infused with deeply hydrating and skin-nourishing properties, an overnight mask works its magic while you sleep. Beauty sleep is now literally a dream come true.

In this article, we'll look at the link between sleep and good skin health, how an overnight face mask differs from a traditional wash-off type, and whether you should DIY your face masks. 

Healthy Sleep, Healthy Skin

Pug sleeps next to owner

If you don't already know, getting enough sleep is essential for your skin's health. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night is recommended. As you sleep, your body enters into a state of rest which is vital for the skin to repair itself. 

During the sleep cycle, your body's growth hormone secretion increases. Since growth hormones increase collagen deposition which is essential for skin cell repair, you need to get sufficient sleep. Moreover, a study has shown that our skin cells proliferate in tune with our circadian rhythm. In other words, maintaining a regular sleep/wake cycle will ensure a healthy skin recovery and repair rate. 

But how can you ensure a good night's sleep? Your sleep/wake cycle is mainly affected by light and darkness, and stress hormones, especially your cortisol levels, thanks to your brain’s release of melatonin, a substance that makes you feel sleepy. 

To make this cycle work properly, you should practice good sleeping habits like going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. You can also prepare for bed by reducing screen time and drinking a soothing tea like chamomile. Most importantly, ensure that the room you sleep in is dark since the pineal gland will only produce melatonin under these circumstances. 

There is also strong scientific evidence that earplugs and eye masks improve sleep quality and hormone balance. That's why if you are a light sleeper, an investment in a pair of earplugs can ensure no noise interrupts your sleep before wake time. Additionally, an eye mask helps trick your brain into thinking it's nighttime outside so that you can fall asleep more easily. 

Besides that, routinely using an overnight face mask will boost your skin's restorative powers during sleep. Applying a layer of skin-loving goodness on your face while giving it ample time to soak into your skin overnight is a guarantee for waking up with smooth and baby-soft skin. You'll not only look youthful but also feel good about your radiant complexion come morning.

Overnight Face Masks vs. Wash-Off Masks

From clay masks to bubble masks to sheet masks, there is a mask for every skin type and skin concern. For simplicity's sake, we can categorize most of these masks into leave-on or wash-off masks. 

How Each Face Mask Works 

As its name suggests, you apply leave-on masks, also known as overnight face masks, to your face and left there to do its work. These face masks sit on your face all night so you can “rest” easy knowing nourishing ingredients are continuously delivered to your skin throughout the night. This leaves your skin looking well-pampered and refreshed the next day. 

On the other hand, wash-off masks stay on your skin for a relatively shorter time and are rinsed off afterward. Some examples are clay masks or charcoal masks which help draw out impurities from the skin and prevent breakouts. 

What Each Face Mask Contains

Overnight face masks tend to contain humectants like hyaluronic acid and glycerin that pull in water from the surrounding atmosphere and replenish your skin's water content. Sleeping masks could also contain occlusives like ceramides, which create a barrier to environmental pollutants while locking in your skin's moisture. Given the hydrating and moisturizing tendencies of humectants and occlusives, overnight face masks are great for those with dry skin or fine lines. 

Wash-off masks often contain a variety of skin-nourishing ingredients to target different skin concerns. These masks could be used for cleansing, toning, exfoliating, brightening, soothing, moisturizing, or firming the skin. The mask’s ingredients can range from charcoal to volcanic clay to vitamin C and even to alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs)

When to Apply Your Mask

Overnight face masks are usually applied at the last step of your nighttime skincare routine, on top of your toner, essence, serum, and night cream. Doing so will effectively form a barrier against environmental pollutants and seal in skin-loving goodness so you wake up with radiant, glowing skin the next day. 

Conversely, wash-off masks tend to be applied after cleansing and toning, right before you put on the rest of your skincare products. This is because you don't want to risk washing off all the products (such as the serum and essence) meant for your skin to absorb. Moreover, wash-off masks like clay masks or exfoliating masks remove excess sebum which can result in dry skin, which means topping on a moisturizer afterward is necessary to prevent moisture loss. 

Which Face Mask to Choose

Given the benefits of both types of masks, which should you choose? The answer is preferably both, depending on what your skin needs at the moment and how much time you can spare. 

If your skin needs some TLC but you have a busy schedule, go with an overnight mask. It pampers your skin while letting you catch up on your sleep. Additionally, as most sleeping masks contain ultra-hydrating and anti-aging ingredients, they are great for moisturizing dry skin, soothing sensitive skin, and diminishing the appearance of fine lines. 

Wash-off masks are a better choice if you have more time and don't want to risk stains on your pillowcase or bedsheets. You can also try multi-masking by using different types of masks to treat different skin concerns at the same time. Use a brightening mask on your dull patches and apply a charcoal mask on your blemishes and clogged pores. These face masks are also more suitable for oily skin types since some overnight masks may contain occlusives which could clog pores and lead to breakouts

Should You DIY Your Face Mask?

Sometimes, your creative side might be tempted to DIY your face masks based on recipes from Pinterest or blogs. After all, many ingredients you've read on the product description of the masks sold in Sephora could also be found in your kitchen or backyard. But should you? 

The answer is no. Most DIY recipes posted online are created by individuals who may not have a background in cosmeceutical products, which makes these recipes questionable at best or unsafe at worst. Additionally, the combination and concentration of the ingredients have not gone through product testing to determine their efficacy. As such, these DIY masks may leave your skin feeling improved immediately after application but produce no real results over time.

Lastly, most DIY masks probably do not use preservatives in their formula. This runs the risk of bacteria, yeast, and fungus growth. Parabens, a group of preservatives commonly used in cosmetic products, are needed to prevent microbial growth in your skincare products. Without parabens, your DIY mask may likely breed bacteria that could cause you skin irritation or even an infection. It's best not to risk it when you can easily purchase a professionally created and tested face mask from your nearest drugstore. 

YORA Revitalise Face Mask 

YORA Revitalise Face Mask

If you are searching for an overnight face mask, give YORA's Revitalise Face Mask a try. This rejuvenating face mask contains Axolight®, a powerful skin lightener that is rich in arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides. Arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides is a prebiotic derived from arabinoxylan, a major cell component found in wheat and rye

Axolight® works by targeting tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TYRP-1), which are needed for melanin production. As such, Axolight® effectively inhibits melanogenesis and stops the formation of pigmentation in its tracks. Clinical studies have even shown Axolight® works better than arbutin in lightening blemishes and sunspots. 

The Revitalise Face Mask is also infused with T.R.U.E Active Complex which is a triple blend of traditional Chinese herbs in glycerin. Glycerin, otherwise known as glycerol, hydrates the epidermis and speeds up wound-healing, making it a quintessential ingredient in most skin care products. Offering anti-aging benefits, the T.R.U.E Active Complex restores your skin’s tissue, stimulates collagen synthesis, and corrects pigmentation issues.

With these two potent ingredients, the Revitalise Face Mask brightens your skin, lightens blemishes and hyperpigmentation for an even skin tone, and tackles fine lines. Being an overnight gel mask, its deeply penetrating formula is perfect for all skin types, hydrating for clear and glowing skin. Apply a layer of it to your freshly cleansed face as the last step of your routine. This will help to seal in your other skincare products while creating a barrier to prevent moisture loss. 

Achieve Peace of Mind for Your Skin

Amidst all the beauty products, overnight face masks have become one of the essential skincare staples. And it's easy to see why: These face masks hydrate and brighten skin while fighting fine lines and wrinkles. Since an overnight face mask does all these throughout the night, you can now fall asleep reassured your skin is well taken care of. It's beauty sleep packed in a jar, so you get to wake up to youthful, dewy-looking skin. 

Words by Antoinette Barnardo

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