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How to Prevent Wrinkles on Your Face: Do These 4 Things ----- Back

25.02.20 - Knowledge

How to Prevent Wrinkles on Your Face: Do These 4 Things

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Words by Antoinette Barnardo

Nobody wants to see wrinkles on their face when they take a look in the mirror. While these signs of aging are inevitable for everyone, there are ways to push back the hands of time. 

Here, we'll explain the best ways for you to prevent wrinkles — from developing mindful habits to incorporating products into your skincare routine that will help you maintain a youthful glow.

What Causes Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are often preceded by fine lines, which are small, shallow creases on your skin. Fine lines will typically begin to develop when you reach your 30s. Then in your 40s, collagen and elastin production will begin to decrease. That means your skin won't be able to spring back as easily as it used to when you were younger. Eventually, those fine creases will begin to deepen, resulting in the formation of wrinkles.

There are several reasons why you may develop wrinkles:

1. Sun Exposure 

Spending too much time in the sun without proper protection can damage your skin. You may be familiar with the effects of UVB rays, which cause sunburn, but the sun also emits UVA rays, which contribute to wrinkling, among other concerns (such as skin cancer). 

2. Repeated Facial Expressions

Repeated facial movements may eventually lead to the development of lines. The first signs of aging are usually found around the eyes (crow's feet). Regular squinting — such as when you smile or try to see something more clearly — will gradually yield wrinkles. 

You may also see wrinkles begin to develop between your eyebrows (frown lines) or around your lips if you smoke or vape (smoker’s lips).

3. Chronic Stress 

A 2014 study published in Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets says chronic stress can cause wrinkles. Both internal and external stressors have been linked as potential causes of premature aging. 

Internally, high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can hinder collagen production. External stressors such as pollution, smoke, and free radicals (unstable atoms that can destroy skin cells) damage your skin's DNA, manifesting as wrinkles. 

4. Rubbing Your Eyes

Under-eye skin is extremely thin and delicate. Unfortunately, that means it's more prone to fine lines and wrinkles than anywhere else on your face. Rubbing the area around your eyes constantly can stretch the skin too thin, leading to a breakdown of elastin and the development of lines.

5. Dehydrated Skin

Dehydrated skin is a temporary condition that can affect any skin type, including oily skin and combination skin. If your skin is lacking water, one of the side effects is more pronounced lines, particularly around the eyes. 

6. Sleeping on Your Side or Stomach

Your sleeping habits may cause wrinkles. According to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, sleeping with your face against your pillow every night can lead to crow's feet around your eyes. 

7. Genetics

It's true that your genes can determine the onset and severity of physical aging. However, in many cases, extrinsic and environmental factors tend to play a more significant role in when and how wrinkles may appear.

How to Prevent Wrinkles on Your Face

From the products you use to the habits you develop, there are a number of ways you can prevent wrinkles.

1. Cultivate an Anti-Aging Skincare Routine

If fine lines and wrinkles are your primary skincare concerns, consider incorporating the following products into your AM and PM routines.

Hydrating Cleanser

A good cleanser will properly wash away makeup, sunscreen, and other impurities without stripping your skin of its natural oils. It will also replenish your skin by adding moisture back into it, along with introducing a number of other nourishing ingredients that will allow your complexion to maintain a radiant glow. 

The YORA Rebalance Face Cleanser is fortified with avocado oil, which is rich in vitamins (A, D, and E) that can improve your skin's elasticity. It also has chamomile, which moisturizes and soothes.

Anti-Aging Serum

A face serum is a formula that contains a high volume of actives. It's not loaded with as many ingredients as a cleanser or moisturizer but instead features more potent actives that penetrate the skin on a deeper level. Anti-aging serums can help prevent or lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Retinoids and niacinamide (vitamin B3) are two of the most common ingredients found in such serums. 

Retinol (vitamin A) is a retinoid known for stimulating cell turnover, which is a process that begins to stagnate once you enter your 30s. It may not be as potent as pure vitamin A, but retinol is still quite effective with regular use. YORA's Defence Face Concentrate is infused with retinol plus lipochroman® to reduce visible lines while protecting skin from free radicals and other external pollutants.

Niacinamide "may have the ability to increase dermal collagen and protein production," per a 2010 study in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. In addition to its anti-aging benefits, niacinamide can also brighten, even skin tone, and lighten pigmentation. 

Moisturizer With Ceramides

Ceramides are lipids that help your skin produce and maintain moisture. These ceramides decline as you get older. Fortunately, as a 2018 study from Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology notes, moisturizers that contain synthetic ceramides can mimic your skin's natural moisturizing system. Ceramides play a key role in fortifying your skin's lipid barrier, which can help your skin appear youthful and healthy, among other benefits.

The YORA Rebalance Face Moisturiser is a rich night cream that has Ceramide 3, Ceramide 6 II, and Ceramide 1 to provide deep hydration while restoring your skin's moisture barrier.

Eye Cream

Eye cream is specifically made to remedy the concerns that are commonly associated with this delicate part of your face. Not only will a good eye cream combat fine lines and wrinkles, but it may also help alleviate puffiness and fade dark circles

YORA's Define Eye Contour contains antioxidant-rich seaweed extract to soothe the skin under your eyes. It's also made with YORA's own hyaluronic acid blend of PRIMALHYAL 50 and PrimalHyal™ 300 to hydrate and plump.


Sunscreen is arguably the most crucial anti-aging product you can wear daily. You may not realize this, but UV rays are present all year round, even on cloudy days. Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen that’s at least SPF 30. This will ensure proper protection from both UVA and UVB rays, keeping you safe from the effects of sun damage and reducing your risks of skin cancer.

To get the most out of your sunscreen, make sure to reapply every two to three hours. If you're using an anti-aging serum with retinoids, then it's imperative you wear sunscreen regularly, as retinoids can increase your skin's photosensitivity. 

How about day creams and cosmetics with SPF? A 2019 study published in PLoS ONE indicates that such products work best as supplements to a standalone sunscreen, as they're not quite strong enough on their own.

2. Make the Most of Your Beauty Sleep

Sleeping on your back is the best way to prevent wrinkles from developing, as your face won't be pressed against your pillowcase for several hours a night. It's possible to train yourself to sleep on your back, but if you're having some trouble with the transition, consider buying a pillowcase that will reduce the pressure on your face. 

While silk pillowcases are often recommended, there is very little scientific evidence to back up their efficacy in preventing wrinkles. Meanwhile, a couple of studies between 2012 and 2016 have shown the effectiveness of copper-oxide pillowcases in preventing wrinkles and overall lifting the skin.

3. Massage and Exercise Your Face

Strengthening your facial muscles will keep your face from dimpling and sagging. To tighten troublesome areas, invest in a well-formulated wrinkle cream, such as the YORA Conditioning Face Balm. Massage — don't rub — the cream into your face, as the former will help promote blood flow. 

Performing regular facial exercises may also help keep wrinkles away. In 2018, scientists at Northwestern University observed the effects of a 20-week facial yoga regimen. The study concluded that the daily exercises "seemed to improve mid-face and lower face fullness," although further research is required.

4. Take Care of Yourself

Halt the signs of premature aging by making changes to your lifestyle. For instance, when you're feeling stressed, practice meditation or mindful breathing. Also, eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water. If you smoke or vape, work towards kicking that habit. Even the smallest changes can yield significant changes in your skin, and general well-being, over time.

Learning to Age Gracefully

Remember that wrinkles are a natural part of becoming older. However, it's perfectly fine to want to slow down the aging process and prevent the formation of wrinkles for as long as possible. Knowing the potential causes of facial creases will help you develop an effective anti-aging skincare routine that will allow you to enjoy a radiant glow for years to come.

Words by Antoinette Barnardo

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